Once again we are out to dispute the assumption that because light from distant stars and galaxies is redshifted it must mean that the universe is expanding. We are not disputing that such expansion would create red shift in starlight merely that it is not the only possible explanation.
It is not disputed that gravity also produces redshift in light only that it is too weak in force to show the comparatively large displacement of absorption lines observed. This approach ignores the simplest fact that the only basic entity in existence is empty space. Some of that space was in motion and this energy has created everything else including gravity. This motion gradually, throughout all space produced trillions of tiny units all pulling on space directly. Once this is accepted it means that every particle of a star exerts the pull of gravity continuously. Thus space is moving to the star even before light is emitted and so light travels against this stream of space all the way to the observer on earth so producing redshift. There is no need of expansion, so no need of imaginary forces and dark matter or any other explanation whatsoever. Additionally streams of space moving to stellar objects produce the bending of passing light , so called lensing, without light having to have mass.
Imagination can take a holiday!
New Gravity is so much simpler than alternative theories, Occam’s razor favours it.
The universe has always existed to its present extent and is only empty space save for complex creations of energy enabled by gravity.